Our Mission
Our mission is to grow God’s Kingdom in Dromore by being a centre of worship, compassion, healing and outreach to everyone in our community.
We believe this start by us as individuals becoming more like Jesus. We understand we are all on a journey, being changed and transformed into His likeness. Dromore Cathedral stands ready to teach, rebuke, challenge, care and love each person no matter where they find themselves on this journey.
What We Believe
We believe that our greatest calling is to glorify God. We believe we have all rebelled against God in our hearts whether we realise it or not. By putting our lives and desires first and foremost we’ve pushed God aside and before long we are almost incapable of thinking of much beyond ourselves. We believe that we are no longer capable of approaching God without a Saviour. We believe Jesus Christ is that Saviour and that there is no way back to God except through Him.
We believe and can testify that once restored through Christ lives are transformed and true happiness in all circumstances is found.
When Jesus came he spent most of His time with those who already knew they needed ‘something’ fixed to restore their lives to order. Perhaps that’s you? Come along to find out more.