“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” – Matthew 6:21
The growth of God’s kingdom has always depended upon the giving back from God’s people a portion of what He has given us. The work of the Cathedral is no different. We need resources to maintain and develop our ministries. The information below relates to financial giving.
Freewill Offering
Our box of envelopes contains a weekly Freewill Offering envelope for the General Fund, a monthly envelope for the Development Fund and an annual Harvest Offering envelope. If you would like to receive a box of envelopes, please contact the Cathedral Office (028 9269 3968) or speak to a Churchwarden at Church and your request will be dealt with.
Bank Standing Order
A monthly Standing Order can be set up for recurring donations to our General Fund and/or Development Fund. If you would like to donate by Standing Order, please contact the Cathedral Office for the relevant Form. Your request will be dealt with by our Honorary Treasurer.
Outreach Envelopes
A box of Outreach Fund envelopes contains a monthly envelope for the extension of the Cathedral’s Mission into the community and the world. Donations support Dromore Youth for Christ and projects in our link with Maridi Diocese in South Sudan. A box of envelopes can be obtained by contacting the Cathedral Office.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, HMRC allows us to claim 25p for every pound you donate – at no extra cost to you. To enable us to claim Gift Aid on your donation, please consider completing a Gift Aid Declaration Form. Please contact the Cathedral Office and your request will be passed to our Gift Aid Secretary.